Here are some of the images from my venture into a week old Archos Gmini

USB attached Attached to USB
charging Charging.. Aww, ain't it cute.
booting Booting up
menu Main menu
recording Recording from internal microphone
playing Playing an mp3
playlist Playlist editor
great song Playing another great song ;)
system menu System configuration menu
virgin bottom Bottom of the device before disassembly
minus back cover Just removed back cover, two screws and six little plastic tabs which break way too easy
EM shield
Removed the EM shielding exposing the harddrive
hdd coneector
The harddrive connector
get nekkid Getting it almost all stripped down :)
The battery was soldered to the main board measures .2" x 2.08" x 2.75" output 5.43 Volts
photo board front Photo of the front of the main board
photo board back Photo of the back of the main board
board front Scanned image of the front of the main board
1200 dpi image
board back Scanned image of the back of the main board
1200 dpi image
hdd bottom Scan of the bottom of the harddrive
hdd top Scan of the top of the harddrive
faceplate The inside of the faceplate
backplate The inside of the backplate
EM shielding EM shielding and back cover next to device
ports fuzzy image of the av/spdif port and the adapter plug
reassemble Getting it put back together
battery top Scan of the top of the battery
battery bottom Scan of the bottom of the battery
no harddrive Seems it doesn't quite boot correctly without the harddrive plugged in :)
resoldered battery Resoldering the battery back in place... tight fit for a soldering iron capable of getting a good joint
replace EM shielding Replaced the EM shielding
reset clock The clock seems to have stopped running while the battery was disconected. Though the device seems to have retained its settings
still works And it still works!!! Yay!!!

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